Pet Laser Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy is excellent for arthritic patients, acute injuries, chronic injuries, post-surgery healing, chronic inflammation, acute inflammation, gingivitis, periodontal disease, abdominal disorders, and more. The laser uses concentrated waves of light to increase the activation energy the targeted cells produce, leading to a faster healing process, increased blood flow, and decreased inflammation and pain. If you think your pet might benefit from laser therapy, call us.
How does it work?
Laser Therapy (Light Therapy) uses electromagnetic energy to interact chemically and biologically with the tissues, causing “photobiostimulation.” In a sense, the laser works on tissue the same way the sun works for a plant during photosynthesis to stimulate the “healing cells,” boost recovery, and shorten healing time. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain.
Laser therapy allows us to concentrate that energy and target the specific area we are treating. Each patient has their own treatment plan fit for the individual need(s).
Cats are particularly sensitive to some medications, reducing the amount of pain management options available. Laser treatment provides a safer solution for reducing pain.
Some of the advantages of using Laser Therapy are
- Safer than most medications with almost no side effects
- Not harmful to the liver or kidneys
- Treatments are quick and completely painless
- Treatments are noninvasive
- Cost efficient
- Hastens recovery and healing time
A great non-invasive way to manage conditions such as
- Back pain
- Joint pain
- Arthritis
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Injuries and wounds
- Hot spots
- Lick granulomas
- Gingivitis
- Stomatitis
- Constipation
- Urinary tract disorders
- Postoperative recovery
- Fractures
- Abscesses
- Acute Nephritis
- Burns
- Edema
- Cervical IVDD
- Hip Dysplasia
- Palliative Pain Relief
- Periodontal Disease
- Soft Tissue Trauma
- Pancreatitis
- Ear infections
- And much, much more!